lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2007

Video & Audio Streaming Concepts

Product : Linux.
Part involved : Streaming Server facilities.
Summary : Clears the way how this technology works.
Scenario : It is part of a free training program taught by COS-PERU.
Company : Open Source Center of Peru (COS-PERU).
Reference date : December 2007.

There are several services such as : radio and tv looking the way to change the broadcast of its signal information and opens the way to access them from internet selecting web browser since your computer. That is integration of Radio&Tv using ip technology.

Radio & TV have use the same requirements to build it and these ones are :

1.- Spread Server
2.- Broadcast Client (Life)
3.- Bandwidth assigned

The techniques used to transmit audio and data (video) is named "streaming". Then the Spread Server (1) managements and emits the streaming signal to www. About the quantity of simultaneous connections supported is called "concurrence" and can be calculated by how do you spend the concurrence resource of Spread Server. Then, next, we find a few samples of needs required for every type of broadcast.

Audio 24Kbps for every user connected
Video 100Kbps for every user connected

Buffer of the Spread Server.- Initially this parameter is considered to program and save space to concurrence concept, check next example :

- If my computer (1.-) has 1G RAM conifigured with 8K Buffer RAM, how many users can be attended ?

Remember that 1G= 1024K, then 1024/8= 128 users or concurrence top value.
The widthband (3.-) used by these concurrence connections then is calculated such as follow for :

Audio = 24 x 128 users = 3,072Kbps
Video = 100x 128 users = 12,800 Kbps
At this point, It's clear how many bandwidth will be used or How can I adjust this resource according to the available of bandwidth of my provider (ISP).

Related to the software used by Spread Server (1.-), we find next software free application to fullfill with this purpose : ShoutCast, IceCast, StreamCast, while these applications assigned carpets into server to every audio and video files to share and save information.

The Broadcast Client (2.-) converts the analog signal into digital signal through video capturer card (video broadcast case) while the client computer (user placed in office or home connected through www) needs to support multimedia basically since the applications WinAmp, Real Player, Windows Media to connect to (2.-).

There is a video example attached to show (2.-) under main title "YouTube Videos hosted by German Medina" at the right bottom of this page and select title "Video Streaming Concepts" for more information.

viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2007

Handing Fiber Optical Connectors

Product : Fiber Optical Connector
Part Involved : SC connector
Summary: Procedure to prepare, weld with epoxy fiber optical connectors.
Scenario : Upgrading of Networking infrastructure.
Company : Minister of Health of Peru (MINSA).
Reference Date : November 2007.

I have uploaded an interesting video with the step by step to reach with this goal.
Check at the right-bottom side of this page under section "YouTube Videos hosted by German Medina" under title "Handing Fiber Optics Connectors" to watched my video uploaded.

sábado, 27 de octubre de 2007

Gutsy Gibbon Peru

Product : Linux.
Part involved : Gutsy Gibbon.
Summary : Peruvian launch of Gutsy Gibbon.
Scenario : A set of conference given by Linux experts in this event into "Open Source Center of Lima Peru" .
Company : Open Source Center of Peru.
Reference date : October 2007.

It was a pleasure to find an optimistic group of people leadering Linux issue with no more advertisment than the own enthusiam spread by this team of Linux experts and I could see the information presented was fulfill with the best quality, the invited people asked all the question that they wanted while at the same time the presenter was answering without tire to take every issue taken into presentation. Next you will find www to contact them :

Open Source Center of Lima Peru
Ubuntu Peru Team

You will find an insteresting video captured about this event at the right-down side of my blog under title "You Tube Videos hosted by German Medina".

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2007

Panasonic D500

Product : PBX
Part Involved : Panasonic D500
Summary: I gave a presentation about the basic concepts used in telephone systems
Scenario : The enviroment belongs to celebrate the anniversary of "Telecommunication Office of Maria Auxiliadora Hospital".
Company : Maria Auxiliadora Hospital of Peru (HMA).
Reference Date : October 2007.

At the right-down side of my blog, I have added an additional video about PBX founded in this visit "Panasonic D500 on HMA" and related about the presentation of the concepts taken were :

-E1 or Primary : It is a set of traffic channel grouped into the same physical connection, then there are 30 traffic channels and 2 signaling channel assocciated to this type of conecction. In the most of the cases the Telephone carrier provider install an end baloom containing the U-links connector into local client to establish the point connection to PBX with a 75 ohms (through the primary card). Every traffic channel is 64Kbps (like as signaling channel) but the process of compressed a traffic channel included in several PBX brands can modify the bandwidth of the traffic channel versus quality of the calling party.

-An introduction of extension technology used into PBX systems : analog, digital and IP handset phones; Analog extension can be swaped with telephone handset used into analog trunk conecctions, the bandwidth used is 64Kbps and it is possible set up a parallel conecctions to this terminal; related to digital extensions, these are closed linked to the brand of the PBX and signaling between them (PBX and extension) belong to propietary coding, anyway the additionally functions added to this type of terminal are placed to directors, Chiefs and supervisors into company, in this case is not possible to make parallel connections to this extension; about Ip extensions takes various concepts from digital extensions : Propietary addtional coding Protocols and suggest the importance of the structured cabling systems as main piece into implementation of this type of project, into PBX is inserted an Ethernet/Ip card to connect from PBX to structured cabling, the concept of mobility of the Ip extensions is introduced with this type of technology that should be balanced with others parameters such as QoS, domains of colissions, VLANs, degree of service, ratio compressed of traffic channel should be additional parameters to find the best performance with this type of communications established.

- The importance of calling management software in order to establish the scale of cost calling for every office and every trunk available installed into PBX , taking the way to clear what type of calling services are most used compared with others and fortify the weak devices connected or detect the failured devices that are not working properly with the capacity begun installed.

jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2007


Product : IEDS (Standard Identification of Health Data).
Part Involved : Catalogs introduced: "Places Building of Health" and "Producing units of Health Services" .
Summary : Looking to join data health information between all producing units of health of the country.
Scenario : Presentation of the catalogs is focusing to share and join all the health information and trace a method to search a "key health data" from the overall health institutions of the country.
Company : Minister of Health of Peru (MINSA).
Reference date : September 2007.

September 27, 2007 at “El Condado” Hotel was the presentation of the Catalogs “Places Building of Health” and “Producing Units of Health Services”, these ones belongs to IEDS, through the benefits of the IEDS I can highlight : (1) implementation of the only Clinical History concept into Health departament of the country, (2) Drives the process into health sector of the goverment, (3) Implementation of National DataBase of Health, (4) Insurances services, Bank would access to health information to take decisions, (5) A programming of buy pack into health sector for goverment.

The Catalog “Producing Units of Health Services” proposes a new structure of producing units linked to their respective cost center and set up a new identification coding to every specialist of medicine associated to every cost center, such as clear way to interconect data fields between institutions.
In Reference of “Places Building of Health” catalog, it has been programmed “The National Record of Places Building of Health (RENAES)”, through a web interface every Health Institution in the country should be filled information related to its own institution and later the update information process should be responsible to every institution (administration) while the system generates an own code identification appended a new record to IEDS database then query information can be accessed by internal and external users. The manager assigned in charge is “The General Direction of Health of people (DGSP) of MINSA.

About this topic, I can add that MINSA has advanced into the first step of e-goverment services because focused on next objectives : (1) Main Health Database available, (2) Global Access to Health information, (3) The value added of health services can be programmed from this point (move patients, stock of medicine, global of trace of clinical history of patients in the entire country and so on).

I have added Videos related to this issue at the right side of the screen

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2007

Installing Ubuntu Linux over VmWare

Product : Linux
Part Involved : Ubuntu
Summary: Procedure to install Ubuntu over VmWare
Scenario : I am using my Pc to work with xp and Ubuntu at the same time.
Company : Owner.
Reference Date : September 2007.

Follow next tips :

1.- Click on and download your preference installation according to your requirements, at this topic I want to advanced to you that Server edition is not complete and later you will need to download additionally files to complete your installation. And about the type of computer that you have to select, check on "Standard personal computers" in 32 bits case.
2.- At the end of the download process you will find an iso file (image of installation).
3.- To test the iso file go to and download MD5SUM exe file, after that install it, and execute on the same carpet location of your iso file:

4.- Set up the bootable device through and check point 5 to specify source bootable path to locate iso file.

Check an example of installation through "YouTube Videos hosted by German Medina" at the right side of the screen with the titles : "Installing Ubuntu over VmWare - part1 and part2".

miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2007

Virtual Machines

Product : VmWare
Part involved : Server Console.
Summary : Software to create "Virtual Machine" in your Pc.
Scenario : An easy way to test operating systems and several applications over different plattforms using the only and the same hardware available.
Company : Owner.
Reference date : September 2007.

You can install several operating systems and working with all of them at the same time (Windows Xp, Vista, Linux, and so on) using the same computer to achieve with this goal. Follow next tips :

1.- Go to
2.- Fill your personal information to get a free serial number.
3.- Click on "Download Now" button, then download and install.
4.- Click on Edit/Preferences/Input and check the options "Grab keyboard and mouse input on mouse click", "Grab keyboard and mouse input on key press"
5.- To set up bootable device check "Edit virtual machine settings" and select CD-ROM and the source device of the boot process like as picture below :

The complete process of installation is available at the right side of the screen under title "Installing VmWare" on "YouTube Videos hosted by German Medina "

miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2007

Auditing report of Minister of Transport and Communications of Peru (MTC)

Product : Auditing report.
Part involved : Minister of Transport and Communications of Peru (MTC).
Summary : Through this report MTC tryes to explain to peruavian citizens what happened when mobile phone communications and land phone communications crashed on August 15, 2007.
Scenario : That date our country was shaken by 2 consecutive earthquakes of 7.5º on Richter scale and after that the communication was lost upto 6 hours in main city (Lima) and several days near to the epicenter (Chincha and Ica -200 Kms south of Lima-).
Company : Owner.
Reference date : September 2007.

Today MTC has published the auditing report inº%20009-2007-MTC-29.pdf to achieve with next goals :

- To decide on capacity of Public Commute Branch Exchange.
- To decide if the capacity of traffic management system and the size of telecommunication networking are enough to attend the requirements of telephone communications of the suscribers.
- In the case of mobile phone service, look at the level of working of cells.
- An additional actions to be necessary.

While OSIPTEL has published two documents in : (1) (2) about the same subject.

The auditing report of MTC shows a delimited sections of every mobile phone operator. Next parameters are defined as : IC-TINE (attempt not connected), TTLI (callings fallen) and summary of them :

Nextel (Mobile phone carrier operator)
Cpu (qty) = 1
Cpu % = 67
TLLI = > 2
Subscribers= 390,000
Traffic Channels= 4,604
Users/Channel= 84.70

MoviStar (Mobile phone carrier operator)
Cpu (qty) = 6 MGW
Cpu % = 70
IC-TINE = 4.03 (April), 6.41 (May), 3.48 (June), 4.54 (July)
TLLI = (No information)
Subscribers= 7,637,504
Traffic Channels= 141,492
Users/Channel= 53.98

Claro (Mobile phone carrier operator)
Cpu (qty) = (No information)
Cpu % = 72 and 98
IC-TINE = (No information)
TLLI = (No information)
Subscribers= 4,521,412
Traffic Channels= 138,203
Users/Channel= 32.72

Telefónica (Land Line carrier operator)
Cpu (qty) = 5
Cpu % = 60
IC-TINE = (No information)
TLLI = (No information)
Subscribers= 2,340,000
Traffic Channels= (no information)
Users/Channel= (no information)

Telmex (Land Line carrier operator)
Cpu (qty) = (no information)
Cpu % = 43
IC-TINE = (No information)
TLLI = (No information)
Subscribers= 28,530
Traffic Channels= (no information)
Users/Channel= (no information)

In Claro's case the auditing report suggests an acceptable value of "Users/Channel" (32.72), while at the same time does not confirm the rest values indicated under the reference (no information) and clears the responsabilities between MTC and OSIPTEL (Telecommunication Supervisor Body) such as next table :

Duties of MTC
Supervision of implementation networking (first 12 months)
Fill goals of the spectrum.
Fill goals of secret of communications.

Duties of OSIPTEL
Check quality and efficiency in public telcommunications services.
Check the goals and obligation to expand services.
Check to fulfilling the contract as carrier operator.

In the auditing report of OSIPTEL, we can find :
-IC-TINE and TLLI superpassed 3% in MoviStar, Claro and Nextel since previous months ago to earthquake.
- It founded 807,900 callings lost at peak hour (it is an abuse!)
- Most of calling cases are GoS are 1%.

I am going to suppose that :
(a) The quantity of traffic channels busy in Lima reachs up to 70,476 (assumed only 55% from the overall) multiply by 300 minutes, and every one minute had a cost average of S/.050, then the big business for MoviStar was for that event (after earthquake) the profit of S/. 10'571,400 ( US$ American Dolar 3,410,129.00).
(b) But I am going to give to MoviStar the benefit of the doubt according to the previous paragraph : only the half of the overall traffic channels made (dial) the call becuase the other half received the call, then the profit is US$ 1,705,064.00).
(c) There is no any rule and local law to establish the maximum ratio and relation to the parameter "Users/Channel", that is, if the carrier operator exceeds that parameter then this one should be forbidden to sell additional mobile phones. -You want to sell more mobile phones then first build the networking wireless to use-.
(d) The end user at the time of buying a new mobile phone should be noticed about the available traffic channels and another networking resources offered by carrier operator.
(e) The advertisment on news paper, tv and others medias to sell mobile phones should be included additionals indicators of quality of services and availability of networking services, that can be access too, by links of www.
(f) The auditing reports does not confirm an absence of call service and that means, that was a super plus of calling service?, and what happened with suscribers did not connect never at that time?. Both auditing reports confirm deficiency of planning networking telecommunications and degraded of call service but at this point the main reason of typing the auditing report was to confirm what suscribers were feeling at that day ?, is not explained what was the main reason calling services crashed on August 15.

jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2007

Lost Internet

Product : Linux.
Part involved : Squid.
Summary : Users can not access to internet.
Scenario : Troubleshooting internet service of end users .
Company : National Institute of Cancer Sickness of Peru (INEN).
Reference date : May 2005.

The main functionality of internet connection is based on "rcinetd" service running on Linux, then is possible to get up it swaping the states of that service, such as :

rcinetd restart
cd /var/spool/mail
du -h
tail -f /var/log/mail
tail -f /var/log/httpd/access_log
tail -f /var/squid/logs/access.log
last more
vi /etc/passwd
bi /etc/shadow

And, after that, it persists a lost of internet service then try with ping command from your gateway to outside if there exists any other response, in negative answers check your connection with your ISP.

viernes, 31 de agosto de 2007

Checking Links of BTS

Product : Motorola
Part involved : 9600.
Summary : To proceed to discard problems with link carrier then check spams.
Scenario : BTS is appearently oos.
Company : Motorola of Peru.
Reference date : June 1998.

Connect to BTS using ALMF :

Login ILGIP :
You are already logged

disp param span
diap param edlc
/** Check values, these ones should be LVO=7 and Line Code=2 **/

Swap mmi cable to next GLI and repeat the procedure in all GLIs, after that check if the links are working with :

display emx link_status

lunes, 27 de agosto de 2007

WaveCom Q2426B

Product : Wavecom.
Part involved : Q2426B.
Summary : Set up and configuration of wavecom card.
Scenario : Enable traffic channels of mobile phone call termination using wavecom card connect to PBX Alcatel.
Company : Minister of Health of Peru (MINSA).
Reference date : January 2007.

1.- Check cable DB9 to DB9 (pin to pin).
2.- Set up hyperterminal with next fields : 34800, N, 8, 1, N

Check as reference :

lunes, 20 de agosto de 2007


Product : Alcatel 4400.
Part involved : Card SU VG.
Summary : Handing flash card.
Scenario : Updating welcome message of PBX.
Company : Minister of Health of Peru (MINSA).
Reference date : August 2007.

First the audio should be saved into wav format file, after that, the file is copy to flash card memory. Every flash card memory of 4M size memory has 210 seconds of time recording and into every message of welcome should be inserted one second of mute previously to recording and three seconds of mute after recording then the total time of recording should be calculated based on: previous (mute)+message of welcome+after (mute).

Through mgr menu connected by mtcl user to PBX and to adjust configuration of message of welcome then select : Automated Attendant / Application; the flash card memory can be inserted into SU VG card in hot ( is not need to turn off PBX or pull off SU VG card), I have attached a You Tube video to confirm this procedure (check "DISA Message"at the right side under title "You Tube videos hosted by German Medina")

miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2007

Calculate Traffic Channels (3)

Product : Size of traffic channels needed into company.
Part involved : Implementation of practical use to calculate the quantity of traffic channels needed.
Summary : How much need to grow our infrastructure in land lines, mobile phone calls and another types of service callings ?
Scenario : Developing IT plans will be based on the growth of the future company needs and that includes how to calculate the quantity of traffic channels.
Company : Minister of Health of Peru (MINSA).
Reference date : October 2006.

The output format log information with the fields : Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Tch (quantity of traffic channels busy at that time) has the bulk.
If we want to locate the time with the most rush hour then proceed to sort that log (descending) by Tch field, ordered by Hour, Minute, Second. These records will show the quantity of traffic channels busy and the time when happened that, for analysis purpose is convenient to work with a range of records (as result of descending sort) to find the top need of trunking ports size. At this point is important to highlight that if we want to study the traffic channels need of certain type of call service termination (land lines termination, mobile phones termination, or another type) the filter would be activated previously selecting the range of phone numbers to identify the type of call service associated with the issue of our analysis before to run VBA Access script.

In the case of mobile phone termination calling party, the trunking ports needed will be replaced by the same quantity of mobile phones cards attached to PBX, as I show at next picture :

Every card means one traffic channel (with mobile phone termination) connected through PBX, in this example there are two traffic channel busy; check at the top of the cabinet where the set of antennas have magnet base, every one are coneccted to their respective mobile phone card.

Here is the back side of the mobile phone card : One port DB9 is used to connect through serial port to pc by hyperterminal to configure the device and one RJ11 port to connect to MDF cabinet of PBX. The picture shown below belongs to wavecom Q2426B.

viernes, 10 de agosto de 2007

Calculate Traffic Channels (2)

Product : Size of traffic channels needed into company.
Part involved : Implementation of practical use to calculate the quantity of traffic channels needed.
Summary : How much need to grow our infrastructure in land lines, mobile phone calls and another types of callings ?
Scenario : Developing IT plans will be based on the growth of the future company needs and that includes how to calculate the quantity of traffic channels .
Company : Minister of Health of Peru (MINSA).
Reference date : October 2006.

This stage is focused to discuss what action should be take after our detailed record call party information has been storage, remember that the call party log belongs to the input data -with the fields: Date, Time, from Extension, Number called, Call party time (secs) - of our "magic box" and after finished the append process the size of the log can be grow up to decide to save that log information into some Access table following the same order and priority of the fields described.

According to the filter -what type of calling wants to study, selecting the capacity of traffic or planning to implement some type of service call can be grouped by the series number of the number called, ensure one type of service call as input- activated is possible to reduced the response of time.

Next script (VBA Access) (1) opens one counter for every second into a entire month, (2) takes a record information and extracts the time of the begin of the calling party and the length of the calling party, after that creates a list of seconds to fill in (1), (3) repeats step 2 until reach EOF in table, (4) write into rs2 table all the counters >0 with the next format : Day (date), Hour (time), Minute (time), Second (time), TCH (quantity of traffic channels busy at that time). The different levels of code nesting are colored.

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("2006_Dic_Fijo") : Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset("2006_Dic_Fijo_Tch")
Dim Tabla1(31, 24, 60, 60) As Integer
Dim ss As Integer: Dim mm As Integer: Dim hh As Integer: Dim dia As Integer

While Not rs.EOF
With rs
ss = Second(.Fields!Hora)
mm = Minute(.Fields!Hora)
hh = Hour(.Fields!Hora)
dia = Day(.Fields!Fecha)
Party = .Fields!Segundos

End With

For a = 1 To Party
Tabla1(dia, hh, mm, ss) = Tabla1(dia, hh, mm, ss) + 1

ss = ss + 1
If ss = 60 Then
ss = 0: mm = mm + 1
End If
If mm = 60 Then
mm = 0: hh = hh + 1
End If
If hh = 24 Then
hh = 0: dia = dia + 1
End If
If dia = 32 Then
dia = 1:
End If

Next a


For Zap = 1 To 31
For Zep = 0 To 24
For Zip = 0 To 60
For Zop = 0 To 60
If Tabla1(Zap, Zep, Zip, Zop) > 0 Then
With rs2
.Fields!dia = Zap
.Fields!Hora = Zep
.Fields!Minutos = Zip
.Fields!Segundos = Zop
.Fields!Canales = Tabla1(Zap, Zep, Zip, Zop)
End With
End If
Next Zop
Next Zip
Next Zep
Next Zap

rs.Close: rs2.Close
MsgBox ("Fin de Ejecucion de Script")

viernes, 3 de agosto de 2007

Calculate Traffic Channels (1)

Product : Size of traffic channels needed into company.
Part involved : Implementation of practical use to calculate the quantity of traffic channels needed.
Summary : How much need to grow our infrastructure in land lines, mobile phone calls and another types of callings ?
Scenario : Developing IT plans will be based on the growth of the future company needs and that includes how to calculate the quantity of traffic channels .
Company : Minister of Health of Peru (MINSA).
Reference date : October 2006.

The most type of PBX display reports with some profiles about detailed calling party processed into PBX, this information is the input that we need to generate into our own model of trunking size. Next lines is an example of this type of information :

2832 Ana M.León M OGP1 0609010125000:00:05 0.74 S 0' 4481949 N 0001001001001 40 0BA

When information is not formatted like than the upper lines then is necessary to start with preliminar delimited field information of every record in order to establish a standard input information with the purpose of create a main input call party file log, such as next lines :

"01/11/2006","00:01:00","2782","5519617",0 “ is the same to say
Date, Time, from Extension, Number called, Call party time (secs)

When the information is appended according to the last format is possible to filter the information with every field or the combination of these ones. Next script works under excel enviroment and can be executed to achieved this goal. Check that the differents levels of code nesting are separated with differents colors.

FilaIn = 1: FilaOut = 1: condicion = True

While condicion =
If ActiveSheet.Cells(FilaIn, 1).Value = "" Then
Taz = Taz + 1
End If
If Taz >= 1 Then condicion = False

Level1 = 0: Level2 = 0: Level3 = 0: Level4 = 0
ActiveSheet.Cells(FilaIn, 1).Select
CCadena = ActiveSheet.Cells(FilaIn, 1).Value
Ccadena1 = Left(CCadena, 2)
Ccadena2 = Left(ActiveSheet.Cells(FilaIn + 1, 1).Value, 2)

If Ccadena1 = " " Then
ActiveSheet.Cells(FilaIn, 9).Value = ""
ActiveSheet.Cells(FilaIn, 9).Value = "NO"
End If

If Ccadena1 <> " " And Ccadena2 <> " " Then
FilaIn = FilaIn + 1
End If


FilaIn = 1: condicion = True: Par = 0: Taz = 0
While condicion = True
If ActiveSheet.Cells(FilaIn, 1).Value = "" Then
Taz = Taz + 1
End If
If Taz >= 1 Then condicion = False

ActiveSheet.Cells(FilaIn, 1).Select
CCadena = ActiveSheet.Cells(FilaIn, 9).Value
If CCadena = "NO" And Par = 0 Then ActiveSheet.Cells(FilaIn, 10).Value = ""
If CCadena <> "NO" And Par = 0 Then ActiveSheet.Cells(FilaIn, 10).Value = "Error"
If CCadena = "" And Par = 1 Then ActiveSheet.Cells(FilaIn, 10).Value = ""
If CCadena <> "" And Par = 1 Then ActiveSheet.Cells(FilaIn, 10).Value = "Error"
If ActiveSheet.Cells(FilaIn, 10).Value = "Error" Then

Par = Par + 1: FilaIn = FilaIn + 1
If Par = 2 Then Par = 0

End If

' Crear archivo de texto con las columnas Fecha, Hora, Anexo, NumeroLlamado, Segs
' en modo append

FilaIn = 1: Techito = True: Taz = 0
Dim Fecha As Date: Dim Hora As Date
Dim cadena1 As String: Dim cadena2 As String
Dim numero As String: Dim Cadena As String: Dim anexo As String: Dim tmp As String
Dim saro As String: Dim smes As String: Dim sdia As String: Dim shh As String: Dim smm As String: Dim sss As String
Dim ss1 As String: Dim ss2 As String: Dim ss3 As String
Dim iaro As Integer: Dim imes As Integer: Dim idia As Integer: Dim ihh As Integer: Dim imm As Integer: Dim iss As Integer
Dim iss1 As Integer: Dim iss2 As Integer: Dim iss3 As Integer

While Techito = True
ActiveSheet.Cells(FilaIn, 1).Select
Estacion = Len(ActiveSheet.Cells(FilaIn, 1).Value)
If Estacion = 0 Then
Taz = Taz + 1
End If
If Taz >= 1 Then Techito = False

Level1 = 0: Level2 = 0: Level3 = 0: Level4 = 0

Cadena = ActiveSheet.Cells(FilaIn, 1).Value
Largo = Len(Cadena)

For a = 1 To Largo
If Mid(Cadena, a, 1) = "" Then Level1 = Level1 + 1: Level2 = 0
If Mid(Cadena, a, 1) = " " Then Level2 = Level2 + 1

If Level1 = 1 And Level2 = 0 Then anexo = anexo + Mid(Cadena, a + 1, 1)
If Level1 = 4 And Level2 = 0 Then
If Level3 >= 1 And Level3 <= 2 Then saro = saro + Mid(Cadena, a, 1)
If Level3 >= 3 And Level3 <= 4 Then smes = smes + Mid(Cadena, a, 1)
If Level3 >= 5 And Level3 <= 6 Then sdia = sdia + Mid(Cadena, a, 1)
If Level3 >= 7 And Level3 <= 8 Then shh = shh + Mid(Cadena, a, 1)
If Level3 >= 9 And Level3 <= 10 Then smm = smm + Mid(Cadena, a, 1) Level3 = Level3 + 1 End If
If Level1 = 5 And Level2 = 0 Then
If Level4 >= 1 And Level4 <= 3 Then ss1 = ss1 + Mid(Cadena, a, 1)
If Level4 >= 5 And Level4 <= 6 Then ss2 = ss2 + Mid(Cadena, a, 1)
If Level4 >= 8 And Level4 <= 9 Then ss3 = ss3 + Mid(Cadena, a, 1) Level4 = Level4 + 1
If Level4 = 10 Then a = Largo
End If
Next a
FilaIn = FilaIn + 1: Level1 = 0: Level2 = 0: Level3 = 0: Level4 = 0 ActiveSheet.Cells(FilaIn, 1).Select Cadena = ActiveSheet.Cells(FilaIn, 1).Value Largo = Len(Cadena)
For a = 1 To Largo
If Mid(Cadena, a, 1) = "" Then Level1 = Level1 + 1: Level2 = 0 If Mid(Cadena, a, 1) = " " Then Level2 = Level2 + 1 If Level1 = 2 And Level2 = 0 Then numero = numero + Mid(Cadena, a + 1, 1) If Level2 >= 1 And Level1 = 2 Then a = Largo
Next a

tmp = "": If Left(numero, 1) = "1" Then numero = Mid(numero, 2, Len(numero))
For b = 1 To Len(numero)
If Mid(numero, b, 1) = " " Then
tmp = tmp + Mid(numero, b, 1)
End If
Next b: numero = tmp: tmp = ""

For b = 1 To Len(anexo)
If Mid(anexo, b, 1) = " " Then
tmp = tmp + Mid(anexo, b, 1)
End If
Next b: anexo = tmp: tmp = ""

segs = 0
iaro = Val(saro): imes = Val(smes): idia = Val(sdia)
ihh = Val(shh): imm = Val(smm): iss = Val(sss)
iss1 = Val(ss1): iss2 = Val(ss2): iss3 = Val(ss3)
Fecha = DateSerial(iaro, imes, idia): cadena1 = Fecha
Hora = TimeSerial(ihh, imm, iss): cadena2 = Hora

If iss1 = 0 Then
segs = segs + (3600 * iss1)
End If
If iss2 = 0 Then
segs = segs + (60 * iss2)
End If
If iss3 = 0 Then
segs = segs + iss3
End If

Open "C:\Temo\1.txt" For Append As #1
Write #1, cadena1, cadena2, anexo, numero, segs: Close 1

FilaIn = FilaIn + 1: Level1 = 0: Level2 = 0: Level3 = 0: Level4 = 0
saro = "": smes = "": sdia = "": ss1 = "": ss2 = "": ss3 = "": shh = "": smm = "": sss = ""
iaro = 0: imes = 0: idia = 0: ihh = 0: imm = 0: iss = 0: anexo = "": numero = "": tmp = ""

MsgBox ("Fin de Ejecución del Programa")

lunes, 23 de julio de 2007

Designing VLAN

Product : 802.1Q
Part Involved : VLAN
Summary: An example to show how to design VLAN's segments into LAN enviroment
Scenario : Considerations of previous stage before of implementation proyect.
Company : dLink Training Peru Center.
Reference Date : July 2007.

Check the following implementation of VLAN features, taking as first step the next example of hardware available :

VLAN1 : 1-6
VLAN2: 7-12
VLAN3: 13-18
PServer: 19
Link : 20

VLAN1: 1-10
VLAN2: 11-20
Server1: 21
Server2: 22
Link : 23

- VLAN1 does not print.
- VLAN2 does not connect to Server1 (S1).
- Overall have access to Server2 (S2).

It is necessary to find the intersection of elements as I shown below :

After that, I proceed with the script of implementation of VLAN, such as :

What do you seem the method ?

viernes, 20 de julio de 2007

Automation sending email

Product : Microsoft Office Suite.
Part Involved : Excel
Summary: Monitoring process involved to send notifications in the same moment that the event has been detected..
Scenario : After the event has been triggered using VBA programming code enviroment is used to send a warn message by email to chief supervisor.
Company : Ministry of Health of Peru (MINSA).
Reference Date : March 2007.

Develop programming code VBA brings a intesting integration tool because the entire Office Suite (Access, Excel, Word, Power Point, OutLook itself) can be connected to the programmed VBA code developed and use as instance every resource available into Office as input data for our programming code to fire the event desired (in this case -send an email-). The exception is : only works up to office 2000, after that Microsoft inserted into office suite a security issue where it forbids a third party vendor use this plattaform as base to launch emails. The same restriction is applied when the interchange information between every office suite is used. But there is another type of executable file that handle client email functions that I will take in additionally topic. Next example works nice but up to Office 2000

Dim Uno As Object
Set Uno = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Set Dos = Uno.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
Set Tres = Uno.CreateItem(0)
Tres.To = ""
Tres.Subject = "Summary " + Str(hoy)
Tres.Body = Message

Set Uno = Nothing: Set Dos = Nothing: Set Tres = Nothing:

lunes, 16 de julio de 2007

GSM 850 MHZ with noise ?

Product : Quality of call Service.
Part Involved : GSM 850 MHz
Summary: The quality of mobile call party has been degraded.
Scenario : Mobile call party has a lot of noise inside of main building of MINSA (HQ).
Company : Ministry of Health of Peru (MINSA).
Reference Date : April 2007.

I contacted with Telefonica of Peru (Mobile Carrier Operator) because my co-workers were sure that the source of the problem become from the mobile phone itself but I did not think the same -I have another track with my RF experience-, a few weeks ago I came with personnel of Telefonica on the roof of the main building office of the minister of health (MINSA) -5th floor- (on below picture painted with light blue) and the RSSI readings were from 90 and 85 while at the same time we tried to locate viewline from cellsite to here and we founded : Garzon, Milan, Beatriz. (upper picture is Milan Cell Site).

Additionally the list of traffic channels captured from here shown that noise and interference added to call party become from neighbor Cell Site traffic channels - That is following through engineer mode of mobile phone, please check -: that is to resolve that It is necessary to reassign the group of traffic channels belonged to the set of cell sites involved into area described. This goal enhanced powerful -procedure called into mobile technology world as performance- the quality of the call party (according to the frecuency plan of the city of the carrier operator) and now the RSSI reading from 4th floor (inside the building) reached from 65 to 77, in another words is a nice calling. The traffic channels taken basically from here belongs to Cell site "Lawn Tenis" sector 3 painted with line red above of the light blue block on the map.

sábado, 14 de julio de 2007

Opening a new GSM mobile phone shop center

Product : New Shop center has opened.
Part involved : Assistance to the entire sets of mobile phone of Telefonica of Peru (GSM 850Mhz).
Summary : A new point of Technical support opening for GSM mobile phones.
Scenario : The user of the mobile phone services need to discard problems from the same equipment and following the best quality of the call service.
Company : Chaquinet Telecomunicaciones SRL.
Reference date : Julio 2007.

My friend Freddy Fabian has opened a new point of sales and technical support for GSM mobile phone while at the same time is an authorized agent of the mobile carrier operator Telefonica of Peru on north of Lima city. I was invited by him during the opening party and from here I want to congratulate him for this important step into the business world.

I have attached a video previous to the opening party and my friend told me that later he will send me the information about the software used to execute drives test and the process to load that one into mobile phones (from here (GSM) to now the mobile phone is activated through engineer mode by software) and additionally tips that we need to use in order to improve using of mobile phone and detecting types of common failures found into differents brands of mobile phone, taking this way I will publish too the top ranking of this type of mobile phone race.

martes, 10 de julio de 2007

Wireless DWL-900AP+ Configuration

Product : dLink.
Part Involved : DWL-900AP+
Summary : Wireless Bridge Configuration.
Scenario : Taking considerations to install equipment and tuning configuration
Company : Ministry of Health of Peru (MINSA).
Reference Date : September 2006.

Related to the equipment is neccesary to set up SSID (public name of a wireless network), channel (number of channel to broadcast signal) at this point is recomended do not use a channel close to a channel busy as preference as well you should use a channel more far from the channel busy in order to avoid interference and noise signal in your link.

Authentication "Shared Key" enabled next steps : (1) Client sends authentication request to DWL-900AP+, (2) DWL-900AP+ sends challenge text, (3) Client encriypts challenge text and sends it back to DWL-900AP+, (4) AP DWL-900AP+ and if correct, autheticates client, (5) Clients connect to network.

And enabled the option WEP Encriptation=128K consists of 13 characters typed by user and 3 characters by default equipment.

The combination with a 24 dBi antenna -previous location of the source and target place through readings of GPS to calculate azimuth and tilt (I will explain in details in next topics)-. After that he equipment works nice.

viernes, 6 de julio de 2007

Connection to database Oracle 10G

Product : Oracle 10G.
Part Involved : Log in
Summary : Can not log in to database.
Scenario : Your connection to database is refused, the problem become from LAN issues ?
Company : National Institute of Cancer sickness of Peru (INEN).
Reference Date : June 2006.

This subject involved to know additional knowledge from Oracle plattform in order to discard suppose Oracle problems and focused on LAN issues.

1.- The client computer has a file called tnsnames.ora saving the profile of the strings of connections of every database available into networking infrastructure configured.

2.- Next lines belongs to a sample of tnsnames.ora file
#tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File:

# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.





3.- SERVICE_NAME is the name of the Oracle instance while ORCL and BD are the strings of connections to database, then from DOS windows execute next command directed to the strings of connection :
C:\> tnsping bd
TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 06-JUL-2007 17:51:29
Copyright (c) 1997,2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Archivos de parametros utilizados:

Adaptador TNSNAMES utilizado para resolver el alias
Realizado correctamente (10 mseg)

This is a example that connection from your computer and database is working.

4.- Now try with next command :
C:\> ping

5.- If you have answer from ping command and not from tnsping command then the Oracle listener is down. Later I will take this issue.

lunes, 2 de julio de 2007

POP3 connectivity

Product : POP3.
Part Involved : Port 110
Summary : Checking if POP3 functions is working with configuration of email service.
Scenario : Sometimes email does not arrive to our inbox while client insist you to say : I have sent you.
Company : National Institute of Cancer sickness of Peru (INEN).
Reference Date : April 2003.

Sometimes is not enough to set up configuration of user mailbox, POP3 and SMTP into outlook user profile account such as when trying to recover email is not working because there is some type of lost connection -seemingly- , after that additionally it needs to test if mailbox account is working and you can achive when log in to email server account and execute POP3 commands and rule out bad connections of LAN issues from probably email server services problems. Next lines are a true example (with real email server and user account) that you can follow to troubleshoot your connection with email server using POP3 commands.

C:\> telnet 110
+OK POP3 2004.89 server ready
user prueba1
+OK User name accepted, password please
pass prueba1
+OK Mailbox open, 20 messages
+OK Mailbox scan listing follows
1 15955
2 36492
3 31637
4 14385
5 1340
6 1441
7 1444
8 1444
9 1444
10 1444
11 1443
12 1443
13 1443
14 1443
15 1443
16 1443
17 1443
18 1444
19 11596
20 1443
+OK 20 131610

Reach to here means connectivity from your pc to email server account is ok, list command shows the quantity of email saved temporaly into email server -identify by ID- waiting to download in the next connection and stat command shows the summary of the previous command. To close connection proceed :

+OK Sayonara

Se ha perdido la conexión con el host

miércoles, 27 de junio de 2007

Timer 102 and Timer 160 into Alcatel 4400

Product : Alcatel 4400.
Part Involved : Timer 260 and Timer 102.
Summary : Troubleshooting and adjust the values of timers.
Scenario : Add information related to how to set up these sets of timers
Company : National Institute of Cancer sickness of Peru (INEN).
Reference Date : April 2003.

Connect to PBX through telnet command by user mtcl, then proceed to follow next sequence : mgr / Translator / External Numbering Scheme / Numbering Descriptor / go down hierarchy / Consult Modify overview object

Timer 260 set up the maximum time of calling party and its relation scale vs value are 600 = 1 minute. This value will affect to overall outgoing call party restricted by "Telephone Facility category Id" from PBX.
Timer 102 set up a threshold time between when the calling party starts and the message of welcome starts. In this case 100 = 10 seconds. Taking as reference that values then the welcome message will be listen 10 seconds after started the calling party.

lunes, 25 de junio de 2007

UpLink Rf's samples

Product : Motorola.
Part Involved : 9600 Frame.
Summary : Set up a procedure to collecting measures of RF on UpLink.
Scenario : Define the lobule of coverage of the Cell Site upLink
Company : Motorola of Peru
Reference Date : January 1998.

At the Cell site connect to 9600 frame through LMF by LAN port with the next steps :
Login ALMF
ALMF> disp tch 2 config /** Verify frecuency and sector -sets of antennas-
ALMF>keyup tch 2

Outside of the Cell site, proceed with engineer mode with the mobile phone configuring the traffic channel :
*11----* /** Frecuency in four digits
This step force to the mobile phone to track only in that traffic channel, then after this confirm to team in Cell site to proceed to open log file of RSSI values into cell site.

ALMF>start emd log file=/usr/emd/logs/test1.dat
ALMF>monitor tch 2 rssi on
ALMF>monitor tch 2 rssi off
ALMF>Force tch 2 oos
ALMF>LmfCtrl xcvr 2
ALMF>keyup xcvr 2

viernes, 22 de junio de 2007

Slow/fail connections dLink DI-624

Product : Wireless Access Point dLink.
Part Involved : DI-624 or DI-624+.
Summary : Recomendation to set up configuration of Access Point.
Scenario : Sometimes the device does not respond or is very slowly
Company : National Institute of Cancer sickness of Peru (INEN).
Reference Date : June 2006.

First the equipment was bought to supply the need of LAN data ports of structured cabling then it was very attractive the idea to replace that set of LAN data ports with wireless connections. One of the LAN data port of the equipment is connected to the floor distribution of the structured cabling while the SSID and additional parameters were set up, upto here there is no problems; I added a log trace of the activities did by the Access Point dLink DI-624 when is working connected to some type of LAN structure with 600 computers. Take as reference that the next log was collected some saturday afternoon -very low traffic data-

.16:14:23.506164 00:a0:f8:ae:9b:44 (oui Unknown) > 01:a0:f8:f0:f0:02 (oui Unknown), ethertype Unknown (0x8781), length 237:
0x0000: 002d 0000 00d7 0000 0007 0007 0000 0001 .-..............
0x0010: c0a8 47d4 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0e02 ..G.............
0x0020: 0300 0000 0000 0000 4e45 4f50 4c41 5349 ........NEOPLASI
0x0030: 4341 5300 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 CAS.............
0x0040: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000c 3033 ..............03
0x0050: 2e37 .7
16:14:23.883708 IP COMPUTO003.137 > UDP, length 50
16:14:24.226375 arp who-has COMPUTO003 tell NETWORKING01
16:14:24.226530 arp reply COMPUTO003 is-at 00:05:5d:6b:11:5b (oui Unknown)
16:14:24.226536 IP NETWORKING01.137 > COMPUTO003.137: UDP, length 50
16:14:24.226752 IP COMPUTO003.137 > NETWORKING01.137: UDP, length 229
16:14:24.307070 arp who-has tell FILESERVER
16:14:24.633673 IP COMPUTO003.137 > UDP, length 50
16:14:25.239559 arp who-has tell NETWORKING01
16:14:25.533321 IP > UDP, length 253
16:14:25.533488 IP > UDP, length 253
16:14:25.533597 IP > UDP, length 271
16:14:25.533773 IP > UDP, length 271
16:14:31.015531 IP > UDP, length 317
16:14:31.020414 IP > UDP, length 245
16:14:31.024321 IP > UDP, length 319
16:14:31.036038 IP > UDP, length 289
16:14:31.043850 IP > UDP, length 313
16:14:31.547790 IP LOGIS04.138 > UDP, length 201
16:14:34.447520 IP PISO701X.137 > UDP, length 50
16:14:34.458966 arp who-has tell FILESERVER
16:14:38.743974 IP NETWORKING01.137 > FILESERVER.137: UDP, length 50
16:14:38.750300 IP NETWORKING01.137 > UDP, length 50

And after review log information I found the confirmation of the ip assigned to Access Point ( and comparing between 16:14:25.533321 and 16:14:31.043850 (6 seconds) there are 4,298 request executed by Access point through port 1900 to access internet causing a excessive broadcast into LAN, forcing to the rest of devices connected to LAN to wait pass this 6 seconds, this cycle -set of request petitions through port 1900-is repeating constantly and I identify that this process slows the conecction of all the devices into LAN. The default values of this type of equipment considers enable this feature then proceed with the next window to disabled that option and in consequence enhanced the speed of the connections into LAN when you are using this type of equipment. UPNP functionality is associated with por 1900.

miércoles, 13 de junio de 2007

Microphone does not work in WebCam DLV-B33

Product : WebCam DeLux.
Part Involved : DLV-B33.
Summary : Troubleshooting configuration of new device into my computer.
Scenario : I have detected microphone -incorporated in web Cam- is not working.
Company : Private computer.
Reference Date : June 2007.

In a few words I will describe only the steps necessary to fulfill with the installation of this device :

1.- Install the mini DVD video software WebCam and select the choice "302" after finish this process it will appear a message to reset computer.
2.- During reset process plug the usb webcam. (only plug from now)
3.- Then proceed to update this driver, after that restart computer system again.
4.- Start/Programs/Vmicro USB Pc Camera (ZC0302)/AMPCAP
5.- Click menu Capture and review if the item "Capture Audio" can not be selected then you should proceed to uninstall the software web cam, restart computer again and start from the step 1 again.
6.- Enable audio option clicking on "Capture Audio".
7.- Testing capture images with audio click on menu "file/set capture file" to specify location of file and to begin with capture click on menu "Capture/Start Capture; later review if the file contains audio with video.

martes, 5 de junio de 2007

Set up ip in 3Com

Product : Switch 3Com.
Part Involved : 4500.
Summary : Procedure to set up ip -first time- on switching equipment .
Scenario : Remote management of switching equipment.
Company : National Institute of Cancer illness of Peru (INEN).
Reference Date : June 2006.

Follow the next tips :

1.- Connect cable between 3Com switching equipment (RJ45 port) and computer (com1 port). -the cable becomes with switching equipment-.
2.- On computer enable hyperterminal with the next features : 19200, 8, N, 1, hardware.
3.- With hyperterminal window type (ENTER) and type user "admin".
4.- <4500> type: system-view (ENTER)
5.- [4500] type: interface vlan 1 (ENTER)
6.- [4500-Vlan-interface1] type: ip address 192.68.x.y
7.- Press (CTRL+Z) and prompt swap to:
8.- <4500> type: save (ENTER)
9.- The configuration will be written to the device.
Are you sure?[Y/N]; type Y(ENTER)
10.- Please input the file name(*.cfg)[flash:/3comoscfg.cfg]:; type (ENTER)
11.- Check the next messages
Now saving current configuration to the device.
Saving configuration. Please wait
Configuration is saved to flash memory successfully.
Unit1 save configuration flash:/3comoscfg.cfg successfully
12.- Turn off switch and verify through ping command or internet browser that the ip has been saved successfully.

Next, I have attached a log of 3Com switching equipment when the equipment is restarted.

<4500>%Apr 1 23:57:04:651 2000 4500 SHELL/5/LOGIN:- 1 - admin(aux0) in unit1 login
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[4500]interface vlan 1
[4500-Vlan-interface1]ip address Error: Invalid IP address or subnet mask!
[4500-Vlan-interface1]save ^ % Unrecognized command found at '^' position.
The configuration will be written to the device. Are you sure?[Y/N] Y
Please input the file name(*.cfg)[flash:/3comoscfg.cfg]:
Now saving current configuration to the device.
Saving configuration. Please wait...
Configuration is saved to flash memory successfully.
Unit1 save configuration flash:/3comoscfg.cfg successfully
<4500>%Apr 1 23:59:34:201 2000 4500 CFM/3/CFM_LOG:- 1 -Unit1 save configuration successfully.
<4500>#Apr 2 00:01:18:849 2000 4500 L2INF/2/PORT LINK STATUS CHANGE:- 1 - Trap portIndex is 4227690, ifAdminStatus is 1, ifOperStatus is 1
#Apr 2 00:01:19:49 2000 4500 IFNET/5/TRAP:- 1 - 31 is Up %Apr 2 00:01:19:149 2000 4500 L2INF/5/PORT LINK STATUS CHANGE:- 1 - Ethernet1/0/9: is UP
%Apr 2 00:01:19:265 2000 4500 L2INF/5/VLANIF LINK STATUS CHANGE:- 1 - Vlan-interface1: is UP
%Apr 2 00:01:19:382 2000 4500 IFNET/5/UPDOWN:- 1 -Line protocol on the interface Vlan-interface1 is UP
%Apr 2 00:01:19:499 2000 4500 STP/2/SPEED:- 1 -Ethernet1/0/9's speed changed!%Apr 2 00:01:19:599 2000 4500 STP/2/PFWD:- 1 -Ethernet1/0/9 is forwarding!

* *
* SuperStack 3 Switch 4500 26-Port BOOTROM, Version 1.00 *
* *
Copyright 2003-2005 3Com Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Creation date : Sep 13 2005, 11:36:29
CPU type : BCM4704
CPU Clock Speed : 200MHz
BUS Clock Speed : 33MHz
Memory Size : 64MB
Mac Address : 0016e00ff700

Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu... 1
Decompress image....................................................OK!
Starting at 0x80100000...

User interface aux0 is available.

Press ENTER to get started.
Login authentication

viernes, 1 de junio de 2007

Engineer mode in mobile phone

Product : Motorola AMPS Mobile Phone.
Part Involved : Engineer mode or testing mode.
Summary : Enable engineer mode or testing mode into mobile phone.
Scenario : Troubleshooting traffic channels of Cell sites .
Company : Motorola of Perú.
Reference Date : Nov 1997.

With the purpose to check if every sector -set of antennas-is throwing the right traffic channnel by the right place, the mobile phone is enabled into programming mode to trace through the display of the mobile phone if matched the traffic channel information. This method is used to test HandOff states and check RSSI values
After that, type #55#. It's going to appear on display of mobile phone every field only once at time -rows in the lines below-.To advance to next field press *. After the last field (16) to save and quit press 01# then the mobile phone wil be reset.

1 32511
2 10101100
3 511 96628500
4 10
5 02
6 10
7 000000
8 123
9 004
10 11000100
11 00000000
12 0333
13 0333
14 0334
15 021
16 10100011

Parameter 1 is SID and is the local identification of the carrier operator in that city and 15 indicates the quantity of SIG (signal channel) to scan during idle mode, while 3 is the world number of the mobile phone. The rest of the parameters will be taken with frecuency plan issue.

viernes, 25 de mayo de 2007

RadioOperators Guideline

Product : VHF & HF Infrastructure
Part Involved : Handing equipments
Summary : Training of use radio equipment.
Scenario : Meeting of institutions cares prevention of disasters.
Company : National Institute of Emergency Squad (INDECI).
Reference Date : May 2007

Mela Hotel joined all the institutions to training in prevention tasks face to face with disaster and assistance routines to fulfill during disasters events, and the telecommunication offices from these institutions were summoned to shared their experiences in that type of situations and cases. And there was a demostration to show and simulate extreme situations with the invited people of the meeting. The meeting was scheduled inside of the frame of activities programmed by ops (Pan American Health Organization) and fortify the links between these institutions.

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2007

Public Bidding Nº 11-2006-MINSA

Product : Public Bidding Nº 11-2006-MINSA
Part Involved : Nomination of the winner of public bidding
Summary : Today was scheduled at 3:00pm with notary, candidates suppliers and members of the commitee
Scenario : Project of implementation of new equipment communications to LAN MINSA main building office.
Company : Minister of Health of Perú (MINSA).
Reference Date : May 2007

Through legal proceeding the president of committe announced the replace of the notary Dr. Donato Carpio by Dr. Freddy Cruzado -because the first one can not become based on external circumstances-, and after that continue reading the Technical resolutions including the scores of every supplier; previously was read the causes why every suppplier do not reached the highest score. Then at the end of the lecturer this was the table of the score :

e-Business Distribution 97 points
GMD& Red Lider 95 points
Telefonica of Peru 90 points
Grupo MasterCom 83 points

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2007

Error to downloads e-mails

Product : Microsoft
Part involved : OutLook.
Summary : e-mails does not download successfully.
Scenario : POP3 server is outside of LAN
Company : Ministry of Health of Perú (MINSA).
Reference date : May 2007

First discard and ensure that the link with your ISP is solid and stable. This article only proceeds after you have checked your connection with outside. When the time out of the POP3 server is too long there is another chance to customize this parameter from the overview point of the client -do not modify anything in server configuration.-and it can reach changing the value of the parameter POP3TimeOut.

Load "regedit" and locate folder : Mi Pc\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\OutLook\OMI Account manager\Accounts\0000 and modify parameter POP3TimeOUT.

I am sure that if you have this type of problem the value of your POP3TimeOut is minimum -such as 10 or 20-updating with 90, the threshold of the window is resized to catch in.

miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2007

LAN wireless

Product : Week of Engineer Electronic and Telecommunications.
Part involved :
Network wireless by dLink.
Summary :
Reinforce through wireless knowledge.
Scenario :
Company :
Engineers Association of Perú (CIP).
Reference date :
May 2007.
I saw most interesting this topic and the presentation was given by Carlos Cervantes Regional Training Manager of dLink- and the news become with the introduction of Dlink firewall to the peruvian market, the introduction of new standard super G, and the facility to control the Hand Off process called -roaming- managed by control wireless dLink. Here you will find a review of the available frecuency and where our solution can fit in.
In my humble opinion the organization of the event had several deficiency, first the scheduled did not start on time, and the presentation of the topics was related to put emphasis in advertisement of the product and not in developing technology, about the knowledges taken it did not surprised me because I knew about them, that was becuase I was waiting with a lot of expectation.

Take as reference, this type of meeting needs labs to testing technology and simulate situations -propose a implementation of solution and a set of installations as an example-, without this we are going to fall into the retoric speech of the politicians.

Saving the meeting I have attached at the end of the web page the procedure to crack wep of wireless network teached into this conference.

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2007

XCVRs of 9600 Frame

Product : Motorola.
Part involved :
9600 Frame.
Summary :
Distribution of XCVR cards into 9600 Motorola cabinet.
Scenario :
The analog cell site coverage area (AMPS , NAMPS) used this hardware to manage the outgoing and incoming calls.
Company :
Motorola of Perú.
Reference date :
December 1997.

The cards inserted from slots 1 to 72 are called XCVR (transceiver) and depends of the location -slot- where the XCVR will be inserted will define what type of funtion will be assigned to XCVR working into Motorola cabinet, then the type of XVR are : TCH (trafiic channel), SIG (signalization channel) and SCAN. The range of slots : 2-9, 13-21, 25-36, 38-48, 50-72 are assigned to TCH; 10-12, 22-24 are SIG; 1, 37, 49 are SCAN.

FORDWARD is the link established from the antenna of the Cell site to the mobile phone and REVERSE is the link established from the mobile phone to the antenna of the cell site. The origination of the call party is established on Reverse

SIG 10 : Carry out REVERSE of sector 3.
SIG 11 : Carry out REVERSE of sector 2.
SIG 12 : Carry out REVERSE of sector 1 and FORDWARD of all the Cell Site.
SIG 22 : Redundant of SIG 10.
SIG 23 : Redundant of SIG 11.
SIG 24 : Redundant of SIG 12.

The SCAN measures the power received from the mobile phone –as part of the process involved into REVERSE- then it is taking measure and samples of Handoff process (request HOMR – Handoff Measurement Request), then the current cell site asks to the SCANS of the neighborhood cell sites to compare how do they received the signal of that calling party –tiny, strong signal- and looking if the readings of the signal is inside of the values permited if this condition is fullfilled then the neighborhood cell site takes the control of the calling party and accepted the rest of rotuing connections established in the current call party.