lunes, 23 de julio de 2007

Designing VLAN

Product : 802.1Q
Part Involved : VLAN
Summary: An example to show how to design VLAN's segments into LAN enviroment
Scenario : Considerations of previous stage before of implementation proyect.
Company : dLink Training Peru Center.
Reference Date : July 2007.

Check the following implementation of VLAN features, taking as first step the next example of hardware available :

VLAN1 : 1-6
VLAN2: 7-12
VLAN3: 13-18
PServer: 19
Link : 20

VLAN1: 1-10
VLAN2: 11-20
Server1: 21
Server2: 22
Link : 23

- VLAN1 does not print.
- VLAN2 does not connect to Server1 (S1).
- Overall have access to Server2 (S2).

It is necessary to find the intersection of elements as I shown below :

After that, I proceed with the script of implementation of VLAN, such as :

What do you seem the method ?

viernes, 20 de julio de 2007

Automation sending email

Product : Microsoft Office Suite.
Part Involved : Excel
Summary: Monitoring process involved to send notifications in the same moment that the event has been detected..
Scenario : After the event has been triggered using VBA programming code enviroment is used to send a warn message by email to chief supervisor.
Company : Ministry of Health of Peru (MINSA).
Reference Date : March 2007.

Develop programming code VBA brings a intesting integration tool because the entire Office Suite (Access, Excel, Word, Power Point, OutLook itself) can be connected to the programmed VBA code developed and use as instance every resource available into Office as input data for our programming code to fire the event desired (in this case -send an email-). The exception is : only works up to office 2000, after that Microsoft inserted into office suite a security issue where it forbids a third party vendor use this plattaform as base to launch emails. The same restriction is applied when the interchange information between every office suite is used. But there is another type of executable file that handle client email functions that I will take in additionally topic. Next example works nice but up to Office 2000

Dim Uno As Object
Set Uno = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Set Dos = Uno.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
Set Tres = Uno.CreateItem(0)
Tres.To = ""
Tres.Subject = "Summary " + Str(hoy)
Tres.Body = Message

Set Uno = Nothing: Set Dos = Nothing: Set Tres = Nothing:

lunes, 16 de julio de 2007

GSM 850 MHZ with noise ?

Product : Quality of call Service.
Part Involved : GSM 850 MHz
Summary: The quality of mobile call party has been degraded.
Scenario : Mobile call party has a lot of noise inside of main building of MINSA (HQ).
Company : Ministry of Health of Peru (MINSA).
Reference Date : April 2007.

I contacted with Telefonica of Peru (Mobile Carrier Operator) because my co-workers were sure that the source of the problem become from the mobile phone itself but I did not think the same -I have another track with my RF experience-, a few weeks ago I came with personnel of Telefonica on the roof of the main building office of the minister of health (MINSA) -5th floor- (on below picture painted with light blue) and the RSSI readings were from 90 and 85 while at the same time we tried to locate viewline from cellsite to here and we founded : Garzon, Milan, Beatriz. (upper picture is Milan Cell Site).

Additionally the list of traffic channels captured from here shown that noise and interference added to call party become from neighbor Cell Site traffic channels - That is following through engineer mode of mobile phone, please check -: that is to resolve that It is necessary to reassign the group of traffic channels belonged to the set of cell sites involved into area described. This goal enhanced powerful -procedure called into mobile technology world as performance- the quality of the call party (according to the frecuency plan of the city of the carrier operator) and now the RSSI reading from 4th floor (inside the building) reached from 65 to 77, in another words is a nice calling. The traffic channels taken basically from here belongs to Cell site "Lawn Tenis" sector 3 painted with line red above of the light blue block on the map.

sábado, 14 de julio de 2007

Opening a new GSM mobile phone shop center

Product : New Shop center has opened.
Part involved : Assistance to the entire sets of mobile phone of Telefonica of Peru (GSM 850Mhz).
Summary : A new point of Technical support opening for GSM mobile phones.
Scenario : The user of the mobile phone services need to discard problems from the same equipment and following the best quality of the call service.
Company : Chaquinet Telecomunicaciones SRL.
Reference date : Julio 2007.

My friend Freddy Fabian has opened a new point of sales and technical support for GSM mobile phone while at the same time is an authorized agent of the mobile carrier operator Telefonica of Peru on north of Lima city. I was invited by him during the opening party and from here I want to congratulate him for this important step into the business world.

I have attached a video previous to the opening party and my friend told me that later he will send me the information about the software used to execute drives test and the process to load that one into mobile phones (from here (GSM) to now the mobile phone is activated through engineer mode by software) and additionally tips that we need to use in order to improve using of mobile phone and detecting types of common failures found into differents brands of mobile phone, taking this way I will publish too the top ranking of this type of mobile phone race.

martes, 10 de julio de 2007

Wireless DWL-900AP+ Configuration

Product : dLink.
Part Involved : DWL-900AP+
Summary : Wireless Bridge Configuration.
Scenario : Taking considerations to install equipment and tuning configuration
Company : Ministry of Health of Peru (MINSA).
Reference Date : September 2006.

Related to the equipment is neccesary to set up SSID (public name of a wireless network), channel (number of channel to broadcast signal) at this point is recomended do not use a channel close to a channel busy as preference as well you should use a channel more far from the channel busy in order to avoid interference and noise signal in your link.

Authentication "Shared Key" enabled next steps : (1) Client sends authentication request to DWL-900AP+, (2) DWL-900AP+ sends challenge text, (3) Client encriypts challenge text and sends it back to DWL-900AP+, (4) AP DWL-900AP+ and if correct, autheticates client, (5) Clients connect to network.

And enabled the option WEP Encriptation=128K consists of 13 characters typed by user and 3 characters by default equipment.

The combination with a 24 dBi antenna -previous location of the source and target place through readings of GPS to calculate azimuth and tilt (I will explain in details in next topics)-. After that he equipment works nice.

viernes, 6 de julio de 2007

Connection to database Oracle 10G

Product : Oracle 10G.
Part Involved : Log in
Summary : Can not log in to database.
Scenario : Your connection to database is refused, the problem become from LAN issues ?
Company : National Institute of Cancer sickness of Peru (INEN).
Reference Date : June 2006.

This subject involved to know additional knowledge from Oracle plattform in order to discard suppose Oracle problems and focused on LAN issues.

1.- The client computer has a file called tnsnames.ora saving the profile of the strings of connections of every database available into networking infrastructure configured.

2.- Next lines belongs to a sample of tnsnames.ora file
#tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File:

# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.





3.- SERVICE_NAME is the name of the Oracle instance while ORCL and BD are the strings of connections to database, then from DOS windows execute next command directed to the strings of connection :
C:\> tnsping bd
TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 06-JUL-2007 17:51:29
Copyright (c) 1997,2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Archivos de parametros utilizados:

Adaptador TNSNAMES utilizado para resolver el alias
Realizado correctamente (10 mseg)

This is a example that connection from your computer and database is working.

4.- Now try with next command :
C:\> ping

5.- If you have answer from ping command and not from tnsping command then the Oracle listener is down. Later I will take this issue.

lunes, 2 de julio de 2007

POP3 connectivity

Product : POP3.
Part Involved : Port 110
Summary : Checking if POP3 functions is working with configuration of email service.
Scenario : Sometimes email does not arrive to our inbox while client insist you to say : I have sent you.
Company : National Institute of Cancer sickness of Peru (INEN).
Reference Date : April 2003.

Sometimes is not enough to set up configuration of user mailbox, POP3 and SMTP into outlook user profile account such as when trying to recover email is not working because there is some type of lost connection -seemingly- , after that additionally it needs to test if mailbox account is working and you can achive when log in to email server account and execute POP3 commands and rule out bad connections of LAN issues from probably email server services problems. Next lines are a true example (with real email server and user account) that you can follow to troubleshoot your connection with email server using POP3 commands.

C:\> telnet 110
+OK POP3 2004.89 server ready
user prueba1
+OK User name accepted, password please
pass prueba1
+OK Mailbox open, 20 messages
+OK Mailbox scan listing follows
1 15955
2 36492
3 31637
4 14385
5 1340
6 1441
7 1444
8 1444
9 1444
10 1444
11 1443
12 1443
13 1443
14 1443
15 1443
16 1443
17 1443
18 1444
19 11596
20 1443
+OK 20 131610

Reach to here means connectivity from your pc to email server account is ok, list command shows the quantity of email saved temporaly into email server -identify by ID- waiting to download in the next connection and stat command shows the summary of the previous command. To close connection proceed :

+OK Sayonara

Se ha perdido la conexión con el host