miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2007

Calculate Traffic Channels (3)

Product : Size of traffic channels needed into company.
Part involved : Implementation of practical use to calculate the quantity of traffic channels needed.
Summary : How much need to grow our infrastructure in land lines, mobile phone calls and another types of service callings ?
Scenario : Developing IT plans will be based on the growth of the future company needs and that includes how to calculate the quantity of traffic channels.
Company : Minister of Health of Peru (MINSA).
Reference date : October 2006.

The output format log information with the fields : Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Tch (quantity of traffic channels busy at that time) has the bulk.
If we want to locate the time with the most rush hour then proceed to sort that log (descending) by Tch field, ordered by Hour, Minute, Second. These records will show the quantity of traffic channels busy and the time when happened that, for analysis purpose is convenient to work with a range of records (as result of descending sort) to find the top need of trunking ports size. At this point is important to highlight that if we want to study the traffic channels need of certain type of call service termination (land lines termination, mobile phones termination, or another type) the filter would be activated previously selecting the range of phone numbers to identify the type of call service associated with the issue of our analysis before to run VBA Access script.

In the case of mobile phone termination calling party, the trunking ports needed will be replaced by the same quantity of mobile phones cards attached to PBX, as I show at next picture :

Every card means one traffic channel (with mobile phone termination) connected through PBX, in this example there are two traffic channel busy; check at the top of the cabinet where the set of antennas have magnet base, every one are coneccted to their respective mobile phone card.

Here is the back side of the mobile phone card : One port DB9 is used to connect through serial port to pc by hyperterminal to configure the device and one RJ11 port to connect to MDF cabinet of PBX. The picture shown below belongs to wavecom Q2426B.

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