sábado, 28 de abril de 2007

Hackers and Linux

Product : LINUX.
Part involved : http://peru.flisol.net/pages/sedes/lima/lima-2.php
Summary : Meeting of experts and beginners users.
Scenario : Third Latin America Festival of Open Source in Perú - FLISOL.
Company : San Martin de Porres University - USMP
Reference date : April 2007

I have partipated as invited into the festival (watcher), and really was very interested but I was very interested in the next topics : Clusters & Control users Tool.


- More capacity of calculation and storage.
- Get high available.
- Tuning load balance.
It works in parallel processing and distributed, sharing computers interconected as a one working group. Open Mosix (1 computer -load balance- can shared between 3 applications servers).

Clusters HPC (High Performance Computing)
Cluster Beowolf
The design can add every quantity of computers additionally interconected.

- Comodity Hardware -conecction into private work-
- Linux
- Linux tool.

Cluster FIA

- Scientific Linux v 3.07
- OSCAR -Building cluster tool-
- MpiCh2 -messages steps libraries-

OSCAR is installed into main node, generates image of every remote node -from node1 to nodeN - and proceed to start up the system. The benchmark based on mpi is an algorithm that executes the matrix process, sharing the load of clusters, reaching results of gigaflow. A list of aditional information is attached,

www.openmosix.sourceforge.net Load of balance
www.beowulf.org Building Clusters

Control users Tool

SQUID : Proxy most famous of internet. Log squid information /var/log/squid/access.log and SQUID is in /ect/squid.
SARG : Generates report. Graphic format is Http:/ServerName/sarg

bandWidth Reports : www.sarg.sourceforge.net

Directing packets information into network is based on : (a) creation of Access List, (b) Creation of Rules, -that executes to fullfill point (a)-; proceed to config adding new lines through command : vi squid.conf

#acl mired src
#http_access allow mired
#http_access deny all

acl sistemas src
acl messenger url_regex -l gateway.dll
acl time_msn time M T WHF 16:40-22:00
acl musica urlpath_regex -i \.mp3$
acl musica urlpath_regex -i \.exe$
acl hotmail url_regex -i "etc/squid/hotmail"

Access List is not going to work up to the rule were indicated to work on. First are declared "deny" and later "allow" statements.

http_access allow hotmail
http_access allow web
http_access deny internet !aceptados !time_msn

squid -k reconfigure

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