jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2007


Product : IEDS (Standard Identification of Health Data).
Part Involved : Catalogs introduced: "Places Building of Health" and "Producing units of Health Services" .
Summary : Looking to join data health information between all producing units of health of the country.
Scenario : Presentation of the catalogs is focusing to share and join all the health information and trace a method to search a "key health data" from the overall health institutions of the country.
Company : Minister of Health of Peru (MINSA).
Reference date : September 2007.

September 27, 2007 at “El Condado” Hotel was the presentation of the Catalogs “Places Building of Health” and “Producing Units of Health Services”, these ones belongs to IEDS, through the benefits of the IEDS I can highlight : (1) implementation of the only Clinical History concept into Health departament of the country, (2) Drives the process into health sector of the goverment, (3) Implementation of National DataBase of Health, (4) Insurances services, Bank would access to health information to take decisions, (5) A programming of buy pack into health sector for goverment.

The Catalog “Producing Units of Health Services” proposes a new structure of producing units linked to their respective cost center and set up a new identification coding to every specialist of medicine associated to every cost center, such as clear way to interconect data fields between institutions.
In Reference of “Places Building of Health” catalog, it has been programmed “The National Record of Places Building of Health (RENAES)”, through a web interface every Health Institution in the country should be filled information related to its own institution and later the update information process should be responsible to every institution (administration) while the system generates an own code identification appended a new record to IEDS database then query information can be accessed by internal and external users. The manager assigned in charge is “The General Direction of Health of people (DGSP) of MINSA.

About this topic, I can add that MINSA has advanced into the first step of e-goverment services because focused on next objectives : (1) Main Health Database available, (2) Global Access to Health information, (3) The value added of health services can be programmed from this point (move patients, stock of medicine, global of trace of clinical history of patients in the entire country and so on).

I have added Videos related to this issue at the right side of the screen

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2007

Installing Ubuntu Linux over VmWare

Product : Linux
Part Involved : Ubuntu
Summary: Procedure to install Ubuntu over VmWare
Scenario : I am using my Pc to work with xp and Ubuntu at the same time.
Company : Owner.
Reference Date : September 2007.

Follow next tips :

1.- Click on http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download and download your preference installation according to your requirements, at this topic I want to advanced to you that Server edition is not complete and later you will need to download additionally files to complete your installation. And about the type of computer that you have to select, check on "Standard personal computers" in 32 bits case.
2.- At the end of the download process you will find an iso file (image of installation).
3.- To test the iso file go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM and download MD5SUM exe file, after that install it, and execute on the same carpet location of your iso file:

4.- Set up the bootable device through http://germanmedinavirtual.blogspot.com/2007/10/virtual-machines.html and check point 5 to specify source bootable path to locate iso file.

Check an example of installation through "YouTube Videos hosted by German Medina" at the right side of the screen with the titles : "Installing Ubuntu over VmWare - part1 and part2".

miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2007

Virtual Machines

Product : VmWare
Part involved : Server Console.
Summary : Software to create "Virtual Machine" in your Pc.
Scenario : An easy way to test operating systems and several applications over different plattforms using the only and the same hardware available.
Company : Owner.
Reference date : September 2007.

You can install several operating systems and working with all of them at the same time (Windows Xp, Vista, Linux, and so on) using the same computer to achieve with this goal. Follow next tips :

1.- Go to http://www.vmware.com/download/server/
2.- Fill your personal information to get a free serial number.
3.- Click on "Download Now" button, then download and install.
4.- Click on Edit/Preferences/Input and check the options "Grab keyboard and mouse input on mouse click", "Grab keyboard and mouse input on key press"
5.- To set up bootable device check "Edit virtual machine settings" and select CD-ROM and the source device of the boot process like as picture below :

The complete process of installation is available at the right side of the screen under title "Installing VmWare" on "YouTube Videos hosted by German Medina "

miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2007

Auditing report of Minister of Transport and Communications of Peru (MTC)

Product : Auditing report.
Part involved : Minister of Transport and Communications of Peru (MTC).
Summary : Through this report MTC tryes to explain to peruavian citizens what happened when mobile phone communications and land phone communications crashed on August 15, 2007.
Scenario : That date our country was shaken by 2 consecutive earthquakes of 7.5º on Richter scale and after that the communication was lost upto 6 hours in main city (Lima) and several days near to the epicenter (Chincha and Ica -200 Kms south of Lima-).
Company : Owner.
Reference date : September 2007.

Today MTC has published the auditing report in http://www.mtc.gob.pe/portal/Informe%20Nº%20009-2007-MTC-29.pdf to achieve with next goals :

- To decide on capacity of Public Commute Branch Exchange.
- To decide if the capacity of traffic management system and the size of telecommunication networking are enough to attend the requirements of telephone communications of the suscribers.
- In the case of mobile phone service, look at the level of working of cells.
- An additional actions to be necessary.

While OSIPTEL has published two documents in : (1) (2) about the same subject.

The auditing report of MTC shows a delimited sections of every mobile phone operator. Next parameters are defined as : IC-TINE (attempt not connected), TTLI (callings fallen) and summary of them :

Nextel (Mobile phone carrier operator)
Cpu (qty) = 1
Cpu % = 67
TLLI = > 2
Subscribers= 390,000
Traffic Channels= 4,604
Users/Channel= 84.70

MoviStar (Mobile phone carrier operator)
Cpu (qty) = 6 MGW
Cpu % = 70
IC-TINE = 4.03 (April), 6.41 (May), 3.48 (June), 4.54 (July)
TLLI = (No information)
Subscribers= 7,637,504
Traffic Channels= 141,492
Users/Channel= 53.98

Claro (Mobile phone carrier operator)
Cpu (qty) = (No information)
Cpu % = 72 and 98
IC-TINE = (No information)
TLLI = (No information)
Subscribers= 4,521,412
Traffic Channels= 138,203
Users/Channel= 32.72

Telefónica (Land Line carrier operator)
Cpu (qty) = 5
Cpu % = 60
IC-TINE = (No information)
TLLI = (No information)
Subscribers= 2,340,000
Traffic Channels= (no information)
Users/Channel= (no information)

Telmex (Land Line carrier operator)
Cpu (qty) = (no information)
Cpu % = 43
IC-TINE = (No information)
TLLI = (No information)
Subscribers= 28,530
Traffic Channels= (no information)
Users/Channel= (no information)

In Claro's case the auditing report suggests an acceptable value of "Users/Channel" (32.72), while at the same time does not confirm the rest values indicated under the reference (no information) and clears the responsabilities between MTC and OSIPTEL (Telecommunication Supervisor Body) such as next table :

Duties of MTC
Supervision of implementation networking (first 12 months)
Fill goals of the spectrum.
Fill goals of secret of communications.

Duties of OSIPTEL
Check quality and efficiency in public telcommunications services.
Check the goals and obligation to expand services.
Check to fulfilling the contract as carrier operator.

In the auditing report of OSIPTEL, we can find :
-IC-TINE and TLLI superpassed 3% in MoviStar, Claro and Nextel since previous months ago to earthquake.
- It founded 807,900 callings lost at peak hour (it is an abuse!)
- Most of calling cases are GoS are 1%.

I am going to suppose that :
(a) The quantity of traffic channels busy in Lima reachs up to 70,476 (assumed only 55% from the overall) multiply by 300 minutes, and every one minute had a cost average of S/.050, then the big business for MoviStar was for that event (after earthquake) the profit of S/. 10'571,400 ( US$ American Dolar 3,410,129.00).
(b) But I am going to give to MoviStar the benefit of the doubt according to the previous paragraph : only the half of the overall traffic channels made (dial) the call becuase the other half received the call, then the profit is US$ 1,705,064.00).
(c) There is no any rule and local law to establish the maximum ratio and relation to the parameter "Users/Channel", that is, if the carrier operator exceeds that parameter then this one should be forbidden to sell additional mobile phones. -You want to sell more mobile phones then first build the networking wireless to use-.
(d) The end user at the time of buying a new mobile phone should be noticed about the available traffic channels and another networking resources offered by carrier operator.
(e) The advertisment on news paper, tv and others medias to sell mobile phones should be included additionals indicators of quality of services and availability of networking services, that can be access too, by links of www.
(f) The auditing reports does not confirm an absence of call service and that means, that was a super plus of calling service?, and what happened with suscribers did not connect never at that time?. Both auditing reports confirm deficiency of planning networking telecommunications and degraded of call service but at this point the main reason of typing the auditing report was to confirm what suscribers were feeling at that day ?, is not explained what was the main reason calling services crashed on August 15.

jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2007

Lost Internet

Product : Linux.
Part involved : Squid.
Summary : Users can not access to internet.
Scenario : Troubleshooting internet service of end users .
Company : National Institute of Cancer Sickness of Peru (INEN).
Reference date : May 2005.

The main functionality of internet connection is based on "rcinetd" service running on Linux, then is possible to get up it swaping the states of that service, such as :

rcinetd restart
cd /var/spool/mail
du -h
tail -f /var/log/mail
tail -f /var/log/httpd/access_log
tail -f /var/squid/logs/access.log
last more
vi /etc/passwd
bi /etc/shadow

And, after that, it persists a lost of internet service then try with ping command from your gateway to outside if there exists any other response, in negative answers check your connection with your ISP.