viernes, 25 de mayo de 2007

RadioOperators Guideline

Product : VHF & HF Infrastructure
Part Involved : Handing equipments
Summary : Training of use radio equipment.
Scenario : Meeting of institutions cares prevention of disasters.
Company : National Institute of Emergency Squad (INDECI).
Reference Date : May 2007

Mela Hotel joined all the institutions to training in prevention tasks face to face with disaster and assistance routines to fulfill during disasters events, and the telecommunication offices from these institutions were summoned to shared their experiences in that type of situations and cases. And there was a demostration to show and simulate extreme situations with the invited people of the meeting. The meeting was scheduled inside of the frame of activities programmed by ops (Pan American Health Organization) and fortify the links between these institutions.

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2007

Public Bidding Nº 11-2006-MINSA

Product : Public Bidding Nº 11-2006-MINSA
Part Involved : Nomination of the winner of public bidding
Summary : Today was scheduled at 3:00pm with notary, candidates suppliers and members of the commitee
Scenario : Project of implementation of new equipment communications to LAN MINSA main building office.
Company : Minister of Health of Perú (MINSA).
Reference Date : May 2007

Through legal proceeding the president of committe announced the replace of the notary Dr. Donato Carpio by Dr. Freddy Cruzado -because the first one can not become based on external circumstances-, and after that continue reading the Technical resolutions including the scores of every supplier; previously was read the causes why every suppplier do not reached the highest score. Then at the end of the lecturer this was the table of the score :

e-Business Distribution 97 points
GMD& Red Lider 95 points
Telefonica of Peru 90 points
Grupo MasterCom 83 points

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2007

Error to downloads e-mails

Product : Microsoft
Part involved : OutLook.
Summary : e-mails does not download successfully.
Scenario : POP3 server is outside of LAN
Company : Ministry of Health of Perú (MINSA).
Reference date : May 2007

First discard and ensure that the link with your ISP is solid and stable. This article only proceeds after you have checked your connection with outside. When the time out of the POP3 server is too long there is another chance to customize this parameter from the overview point of the client -do not modify anything in server configuration.-and it can reach changing the value of the parameter POP3TimeOut.

Load "regedit" and locate folder : Mi Pc\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\OutLook\OMI Account manager\Accounts\0000 and modify parameter POP3TimeOUT.

I am sure that if you have this type of problem the value of your POP3TimeOut is minimum -such as 10 or 20-updating with 90, the threshold of the window is resized to catch in.

miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2007

LAN wireless

Product : Week of Engineer Electronic and Telecommunications.
Part involved :
Network wireless by dLink.
Summary :
Reinforce through wireless knowledge.
Scenario :
Company :
Engineers Association of Perú (CIP).
Reference date :
May 2007.
I saw most interesting this topic and the presentation was given by Carlos Cervantes Regional Training Manager of dLink- and the news become with the introduction of Dlink firewall to the peruvian market, the introduction of new standard super G, and the facility to control the Hand Off process called -roaming- managed by control wireless dLink. Here you will find a review of the available frecuency and where our solution can fit in.
In my humble opinion the organization of the event had several deficiency, first the scheduled did not start on time, and the presentation of the topics was related to put emphasis in advertisement of the product and not in developing technology, about the knowledges taken it did not surprised me because I knew about them, that was becuase I was waiting with a lot of expectation.

Take as reference, this type of meeting needs labs to testing technology and simulate situations -propose a implementation of solution and a set of installations as an example-, without this we are going to fall into the retoric speech of the politicians.

Saving the meeting I have attached at the end of the web page the procedure to crack wep of wireless network teached into this conference.

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2007

XCVRs of 9600 Frame

Product : Motorola.
Part involved :
9600 Frame.
Summary :
Distribution of XCVR cards into 9600 Motorola cabinet.
Scenario :
The analog cell site coverage area (AMPS , NAMPS) used this hardware to manage the outgoing and incoming calls.
Company :
Motorola of Perú.
Reference date :
December 1997.

The cards inserted from slots 1 to 72 are called XCVR (transceiver) and depends of the location -slot- where the XCVR will be inserted will define what type of funtion will be assigned to XCVR working into Motorola cabinet, then the type of XVR are : TCH (trafiic channel), SIG (signalization channel) and SCAN. The range of slots : 2-9, 13-21, 25-36, 38-48, 50-72 are assigned to TCH; 10-12, 22-24 are SIG; 1, 37, 49 are SCAN.

FORDWARD is the link established from the antenna of the Cell site to the mobile phone and REVERSE is the link established from the mobile phone to the antenna of the cell site. The origination of the call party is established on Reverse

SIG 10 : Carry out REVERSE of sector 3.
SIG 11 : Carry out REVERSE of sector 2.
SIG 12 : Carry out REVERSE of sector 1 and FORDWARD of all the Cell Site.
SIG 22 : Redundant of SIG 10.
SIG 23 : Redundant of SIG 11.
SIG 24 : Redundant of SIG 12.

The SCAN measures the power received from the mobile phone –as part of the process involved into REVERSE- then it is taking measure and samples of Handoff process (request HOMR – Handoff Measurement Request), then the current cell site asks to the SCANS of the neighborhood cell sites to compare how do they received the signal of that calling party –tiny, strong signal- and looking if the readings of the signal is inside of the values permited if this condition is fullfilled then the neighborhood cell site takes the control of the calling party and accepted the rest of rotuing connections established in the current call party.

viernes, 11 de mayo de 2007

Collecting RF samples

Product : LCC INC.
Part involved : RSAT.
Summary : Configuration and programming software and hardware.
Scenario : First is necessary to have the frecuency plan and the drive test plan suggested with the purpose of identify the list of traffic channels to use into the execution of the test
Company : Motorola of Perú.
Reference date : March 1998.

The computer is connected from com2 port to RSAT
Through DOS windows in the next locations type : C:\Collect> Edit setup
PHONE 1 703-555-1212 MASK 11111111 11111111 11100000 00000000
PHONE 2 703-555-1213

According to how many receivers cards are installed into RSAT equipment the lines PHONE and AUDIO are configured; in this case we are using 1 receiver card. The "CLT" keyword indicates the name of the control file is going to use. Then proceed to update the file setup with ALT_S and ALT_X. The next step is to edit the control file (1.clt) with the command C:\Collect> edit 1.clt

The first line means how many traffic channels are going to scan and from the next lines is indicated what traffic channels will be scan; and takes the same way to save and exit ALT_S and ALT_X the 1.clt file.

- From the prompt location of DOS windows type : C:\Collect> Collect setup
- Appears the message box "checking connections"
- appears the message box "diagnostic in progress"
- Shows the components connected to RSAT -"Qualcom mobile phone","Antenna Amps 2000","Antenna GPS"- and the user confirm with ENTER, then started to established the speed of transmission between RSAT and computer and the measurement setup option is activated by user, and after SCRIPT FILE is selected, space bar and NONE options as well. With the arrows -up, down- selected DATA FILE NAME and writes the name of the file will be saved all the information collected by RSAT, the computer adds to file the extension dat meanwhile user pressed ENTER and COLLECT options, the software confirm with the warn message "Starting comments or press any key to continue", the software starts the measure of the signal with the options: "F1" key scans the channels and "F6" displays in graphic format; ESC is used to exit execution of software.

After a large list of test, then RSSI_RSAT= RSSI_mobile_Phone+ 10 dBm

lunes, 7 de mayo de 2007

Opening Technical File of supplier

Product : Public Bidding 011-2006-MINSA
Part involved : Confirming obligatory of Technical requirements of every supplier.
Summary : Today was scheduled the event-receive the technical file from suppplier and open the technical file- as part of the bidding process.
Scenario : Project of implementation of new equipment of communications of LAN MINSA.
Company : Minister of Health of Perú(MINSA).
Reference date : May 2007.

Through a legal proceeding in MINSA at 15:00pm , it received and opened the technical propose file of every supplier -e-business, Mastercom, GMD&Read Leader, Telefónica of Perú- to confirm fullfill next requirements as the first step of qualification of the public bidding:
- Summary of documents.
- Proof of electronic registration of national record of suppliers.
- Affidavit of fullfill with the minimum technical specifications.
- Affidavit of delivery due date, implementation and guarantee.
- Affidavit of product presentation.
- Affidavit of personnel experience assigned to implementation plan.
- Affidavit of list of equipment to use into implementation plan.
- Affidavit of implementation plan.
- Affidavit of post sales services.
- Affidavit of company information.
- Affidavit of consent of Article 76.
- Affidavit of integrity agreement.
- Letter of the factory to support that supplier is a local agent representative with more than 3 years of experience.
- Letters of the factory and supplier where ensure that equipments offered are compatible with standards of LAN protocols communications.
- Catalogs, manual of users, booklets given by factory.
The stage of evaluation will continue, and the announced of winner supplier will be presented on May 23 at 3:00pm.

IN the top picture is the comitte -left to right-, Spring Tello, German Medina -me- and Rebeca Garcia and notary Dr. Donato Carpio. In the second picture are the legal representative of Telefónica of Perú and Mastercom company. In the upper picture at the left is Dra Rosario Mendoza from internal control. In the below picture notary is confirming the truthfulness of the documents presented by suppliers.