sábado, 28 de abril de 2007

Hackers and Linux

Product : LINUX.
Part involved : http://peru.flisol.net/pages/sedes/lima/lima-2.php
Summary : Meeting of experts and beginners users.
Scenario : Third Latin America Festival of Open Source in Perú - FLISOL.
Company : San Martin de Porres University - USMP
Reference date : April 2007

I have partipated as invited into the festival (watcher), and really was very interested but I was very interested in the next topics : Clusters & Control users Tool.


- More capacity of calculation and storage.
- Get high available.
- Tuning load balance.
It works in parallel processing and distributed, sharing computers interconected as a one working group. Open Mosix (1 computer -load balance- can shared between 3 applications servers).

Clusters HPC (High Performance Computing)
Cluster Beowolf
The design can add every quantity of computers additionally interconected.

- Comodity Hardware -conecction into private work-
- Linux
- Linux tool.

Cluster FIA

- Scientific Linux v 3.07
- OSCAR -Building cluster tool-
- MpiCh2 -messages steps libraries-

OSCAR is installed into main node, generates image of every remote node -from node1 to nodeN - and proceed to start up the system. The benchmark based on mpi is an algorithm that executes the matrix process, sharing the load of clusters, reaching results of gigaflow. A list of aditional information is attached,

www.openmosix.sourceforge.net Load of balance
www.beowulf.org Building Clusters

Control users Tool

SQUID : Proxy most famous of internet. Log squid information /var/log/squid/access.log and SQUID is in /ect/squid.
SARG : Generates report. Graphic format is Http:/ServerName/sarg

bandWidth Reports : www.sarg.sourceforge.net

Directing packets information into network is based on : (a) creation of Access List, (b) Creation of Rules, -that executes to fullfill point (a)-; proceed to config adding new lines through command : vi squid.conf

#acl mired src
#http_access allow mired
#http_access deny all

acl sistemas src
acl messenger url_regex -l gateway.dll
acl time_msn time M T WHF 16:40-22:00
acl musica urlpath_regex -i \.mp3$
acl musica urlpath_regex -i \.exe$
acl hotmail url_regex -i "etc/squid/hotmail"

Access List is not going to work up to the rule were indicated to work on. First are declared "deny" and later "allow" statements.

http_access allow hotmail
http_access allow web
http_access deny internet !aceptados !time_msn

squid -k reconfigure

viernes, 27 de abril de 2007

wmp does not show image

Product : Windows Media Player.
Part involved : Apply all versions.
Summary : Wants to play video.
Scenario : Only listen the video but you can not watch it.
Company : My Computer.
Reference date : April 2007

Very easy to troubleshoot :

2.- (Save and execute) or (open directly and executed)
That's all

martes, 24 de abril de 2007

BTS 9600 oos

Product : Motorola BTS 9600.
Part involved : Analog Cell Site.
Summary : Procedure to get up bts after a blackout.
Scenario : BTS does not respond load process from MTSO.
Company : Cellular infrastructure Telefónica of Perú, Contractor Motorola of Peru.
Reference date : March 2000

Connect lmf to LAN connection into BTS
Download GLI 1 file=/gli.emd
online gli 1
force gli 1 ins
online gli 2-6
crossload gli 2-6 source=1
crossload gli 5,6 source=1
force gli 2-6 ins
online xcvr 1-64
display tch 1-64
display gli 1-6 sfm mnt
download scn 1 file=/xcvr.cmd
download sig 10 file=/xcvr.cmd
download tch 2 file=/xcvr.cmd
crossload sig 11-64 source=10
crossload scn 2-64 source=1
crossload tch 3-64 source=2
force gli 2-6 oos
force gli 1 oos

jueves, 19 de abril de 2007

Theorem Lopez

Product : Structured cabling.
Part involved : category 5 and category 5e.
Summary : The pipe is full without space to tending another utp cabling. It needs to dig into wall.
Scenario : The new data port will be installed at some office, but this office has 4 data port working and they need to install one more.
Company : Institute of cancer illness - INEN.
Reference date : January 2004

My co-worker Erick Lopez gave me the guideline to resolve the trouble, that is the reason that i called "Theorem Lopez"; he considered to reassign the wired functions into utp cable to reach with solution. Be very carefull because I tested with success but solution is out of the standard EIA 568A and EIA 568B and works but up to 10Mbps, no more. Up to this time I did not see any like that we suggested next :

1.- In category 5 and category 5e wired 4,5,7,8 are not used, only if the jack connector works as data port.
2.- Into one utp cabling we are going to carry two computer data signal.
3.- The first computer is assigned to wired 1,2,3,6
4.- The second computer will be assigned to wired 4,5,7,8
5.- At the patch panel side and the face plate side (computer) we need to install two RJ45 Plug at every side of the cable. Then the cable will start with two RJ45 plug and the same cable will end with two RJ45 plug, that is in both sides.
/**Working on one side of the cable, after that repeat the same procedure in the other side.**/
6.- The first RJ45 plug should be conectorized following the order of wired (1,2,3,6) while the rest of wired (4,5,7,8) they would be go empty into RJ45 pin position.
7.- The second RJ45 should follow the next positions : wired 4 into position1, wired 5 into position 2, wired 7 into position 3, wired 8 into position 6. Position means the number of pin into RJ45 plug.
8.- At telecomunication room, put one patch cord for every extension of RJ45 plug to establish connection through port switch
9.- At work area extend every RJ45 plug through patch cord connection to computer.

Considered it as temporary solution while you are looking to migrate or implement your solution according to the international standards of structured cabling.

Please, feel free to send your comments

miércoles, 18 de abril de 2007

Migrating pst 2003-2007 to previous version

Product : Office
Part Involved : OutLook
Summary: Sometimes, I found some end users need to read file email information formatted in Outlook 2003 or 2007 into Outlook 2000
Scenario: Reinstallation of systems into computer and testing other software tool that works with office 2000. The end user prefers to use/change to another version because apperently it looks like more flexible to user
Company: Institute of Cancer illnes - INEN
Reference Date: June 2006
From Office 2003-2007
1.- File/New/file of personal folder (*.pst)
2.- select the option file of personal forlder (*.pst) Outlook97-2002 and enter
3.-Confirm path (device -hard disk letter/folders and name of pst file)
Up to here it created a pst file formatted into 97 version, this file is empty and is going to work as container of information.Next step is export the information (version 2003-2007) directe to pst file described into previous lines. 1.- File/Export/export to file/file of personal folder (*.pst)/select folder to export and check include subfolders/save the export file into the pst file described at the first lines.

domingo, 15 de abril de 2007

card BPRA2 - Alcatel 4400

Product : Alcatel 4400.
Part involved : card BPRA2.
Summary card : It manages E1 functions into PBX through card named BPRA2, some suppliers and carrier operators call it as "primary".
Scenario : Tuning card with link carrier operator of Telefónica del Perú, calling party drops with seemingly no reason.
Company : Ministry of Health of Perú.
Reference date : October 2006.

The card can be pull out from PBX cabinet in hot with no problems, of course with no calls. If your PBX has several cards of this type check that configuration are the same in all of them.

The balance parameter has two jumpers.
The impedance (impedancia in picture) parameter has three jumpers.
Every jumper has three pins, the counting pin is from the upper to lower side of picture.
Impedance jumper, pin 1 and 2 = 120 ohms
Impedance jumper, pin 2 and 3 = 75 ohms
Balance jumper, pin 1 and 2 = with balance
Balance jumper, pin 2 and 3 = without balance
Carrier operator Telefónica of Perú in E1 link uses "75 ohms with balance"
Connect to PBX through mtcl user and check the results typing the next command :
trkstat -r 0 (trunk number)

Review the parameter LOS, a successfull work shows the value 0 and that means a solid link established.